Thursday, November 03, 2005

rainy season

Trying this out. I'm sick of all the problems with the old site, as much as I loved the off-the-beaten path of its name. I had to resort to using my cats' names to title this one, for lack of anything else available that at all simply described me. Anyway, I'm off to a run-through with the dancers, last one before we go into the theater for the big opening... I get all these nice free clothes from the costume designer. Nice gig.
It's started raining here, finally, which means winter has begun in Israel. I keep thinking of the shots in the Michel Gondry for the Foo Fighters' Everlong: how the camera seems absolutely soaked, and every dream-sequences takes on a rainforest-y richness. At night I lie in my bed listening to the rain beat so hard against my window like an orchestra of drums. It's so nice and filling after all these months of dry. I understand why people pray for this.

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